Camera Tales: The Nikon FM & FE

A small format camera is the photographer's sketchbook, the place where ideas can be quickly explored before paint is applied to that big, forever canvas of the final print. Over two decades, my coterie of Nikon cameras and lenses ably served as my sketchbooks. It started in 1978 with the purchase of a Nikon FE... Continue Reading →

A Remembrance Day Walk

For Gail and me, Remembrance Day in Winnipeg always includes a walk down Valour Road for a service at a small park on Sargent Avenue. This year, I am in North Vancouver, on my way to their Remembrance Day service. It’s a one-hour walk to Victoria Park, an eastward trek that leapfrogs suburban neighbourhoods and... Continue Reading →

Walking the Water in North Vancouver: Capilano

If you look at a map of North Vancouver, three geographical elements appear to define its character: the mountains that line its northern edge, Vancouver Harbour to the south and, in between these two natural barriers, Highway One as it rips through on its transcontinental journey across Canada. All are east-west lines, effectively squeezing the... Continue Reading →

The Christmas Train: Day Three

Time on the Canadian is immaterial. Its measurement is by breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleeping, watching the world pass by from the observation deck. "What day is this?" is a common refrain. After Jasper, the mountains slowly fade into the black of night. People are tucking themselves in for the evening. I have the dark dome car... Continue Reading →

A Dog Goes West: Part Three

On this final leg of his western tour, our greyhound Styxx makes his way home to Winnipeg through the mountains of BC, the ranchlands of southern Alberta and the prairies of Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

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